Dropping in for another quick ORC check in!

Priming and painting: One Room Challenge, Week 6
The finale of the Spring 2022 One Room Challenge is vastly approaching, I am on just trying to catch up!
Firstly, we had to sand A TON. Sorry — no pictures of this. I once read that drywall dust is like glitter –it gets everywhere and doesn’t go away! Just know it was in the air, on the floor, in the carpet, stuck in my clothes, and is currently still on every flat surface in our house!

Next, we primed the ceiling and walls. Some walls needed two coats of primer, so it took about two days of to finish the process. First, I primed the ceiling from until 11 pm on a work night. Then The Honey helped prime three hours the next day. A little of the drywall mud messed up from me pressing too hard, so fixing that added more time onto the job.
After that, it was finally time to paint! Three hours almost took me out! It’s okay to be a little messy with primer, but with paint, you have to be neat and clean as it is the finished product!
What paint color did I choose? White, of course!

I painted this basic white in the dining room. Since the hallway is open to it, I continues that same white paint there as well. Also, I had to paint where the wallpaper is going to be. That’s because if I were to stick my wallpaper onto the primer, it would be tougher to remove it when I want to swap it out for something new.
Follow my One Room Challenge journey! week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5
Furthermore, I did choose a flat white. Most would recommend using a wipeable finish such as a satin or semi-gloss in a hallway. However, I expect the walls in the hallway to get beat and dinged up. So when I need to patch the wall, I think blending the flat white paint will be easier. Sometimes, when you need to patch walls with paint with a sheen, flashing can occur. Flashing is when the small patches of fresh paint stand out from the existing finish.

What’s next after priming and painting?
Now, we are waiting for the paint to cure. We need to ensure that the paint is cured before applying the wallpaper. Again, it’ll make removing the wallpaper in the future much easier when I want to switch up the look! In the end, patience is absolutely key when it comes to DIY projects! Even easy projects can seem like they drag on forever because you have to wait for dry times for both priming and painting. Side note: who ever said painting is the easier way to transform a space?! If that is the easiest, YIKES!
Check out the other guest participants’ ORC projects for week 6!