So far, this blog has been a place of simply providing tips for various home projects in chronological order of what we have completed. Well, that’s about to change because I am documenting our participation in the One Room Challenge!
Why the One Room Challenge?
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we are currently renovating our dining room. Since we are in the middle of that renovation, I thought, “We might as well finish up in the next two months!” Truly, our self-imposed deadlines lined up perfectly with the One Room Challenge.
We have trouble finishing up anything, so this would be a great motivator to complete the room!
Wait…what is the One Room Challenge?
The One Room Challenge is a biannual event dedicated to the transformation of a space. Designers, DIYers, and interior enthusiasts challenge themselves to share their process for changing a particular space. One message you will hear repeatedly is, “The One Room Challenge is not a competition!” I think that relieves the pressure to “perform” well and create a space comparable to the pros. It seems it’s all about building a community of support!
The past and current state of affairs
Phase one
Let’s go back to the day we moved in. The house key was in our hands and dreams of reno were in our eyes. The dining room walls were nicotine white, the floor lined in worn-down 80s carpet sprinkled an overall negative vibe.
Phase two
Afterwards, we made changes to the dining room with both big and small little improvements here and there: removing the half wall in the entrance of the space and changing the flooring.
Phase three

We officially removed the ugly bulkheads! (Every step of the removal process is on my Instagram page.) Subsequently, this is the room’s current state for the One Room Challenge!

My One Room Challenge mood board

The mood board for the dining room consists of many items that we own already, like our super cool 1960s, mid-century modern dining room set. Or the painting from World Market that I was totally obsessed with and drove over an hour to buy the last of. I’m even keeping the old mirrored wall as part of my inspiration. I know, I know — it’s dated — but I have grown to like it (a dance party in the room may or may not have contributed to this).
I want this to be as low-budget as possible! That means, I am not trying to buy many building materials to accomplish designing the space. Honestly, I have so much stuff that I want to put to good use in the dining room.
In conclusion
There is still so much to do and so little time. Will we be totally finished at the end of the eight weeks of the One Room Challenge? Probably not. However, the goal is to see how completed the dining room can become. Hopefully, the chaos around the dining room will settle like a feather falling slowly to the ground. With our luck, our feather will settle rather abruptly to the ground with duct tape and determination.
P.S.: Check out the other One Room Challenge participants’ spaces here! (via the ORC blog)