Read more for more information on how to use curtains as closet doors.

How To Use Curtains As Closet Doors
Before, there was an ugly set of accordion closet doors. They were off the track and hard to use! With these curtains now over my closet door, all I have to do is slide my curtain open and close. Therefore, I can access everything I want out of my closet with ease.
Supplies Needed To Use Curtains As Closet Doors
The key to the look is to use the same hardware that you’d use to hang a standard curtain rod. Instead of using it to hang clothes, use it to hang the curtains for your closet.
In particular, you can pick up closet rod mounting hardware for about $5 at your local home center or closet specialty store.
A rod
For the rod, you can use many items. Very likely, you have one of these items at home already! And I love the idea of shopping your home before buying something new!
Firstly, you can use a classic metal rod, wood closet rod, or appropriately sized dowel.
Additionally, you could spin the finials off a curtain rod!
Lastly, you can use a shower curtain rod too! I used a tension rod for my closet. I had a spare shower curtain around and put it to use!

No matter the color, print, or material you choose for your closet, pick a set that is long enough. For example, these curtains are 95 in long. Since my ceilings are 8 feet tall, 95 inches are ideal to completely cover the curtain as the closet door.
Having the appropriately sized curtain panels makes the design choice look intentional!
Lastly, steam your curtains so that they’re nice and wrinkle-free.
Are you finally ready to try this look for yourself? This is how you install curtains as closet doors.
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It’s super easy to add curtains over a closet! This is a great closet door alternative that adds both color and romance to a room.
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How To Use Curtains As Closet Doors in 4 Easy Steps
Step 1: Make space
Clear out the closet. Most likely, you’ll be installing the curtain rod on the inside of the closet, so make sure your closet has enough space for you to move around to install everything.

Step 2: Create a template
Trace and cut out templates of your mounting hardware. Include the holes that you’ll need to screw the hardware in place.
Then, use the templates to outline onto the walls of your closet.
Pay special attention to make sure the rod will be level!
Step 3: Screw into place
Next, install the mounting hardware using the marks you just made.

Step 4: Finish
Afterwards, slide your curtains onto your rod. Then, hang the curtain rod carefully.
That’s how to use curtains as closet doors! If you’d try this for yourself, let me know why this could be a good solution for you!
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