Just a quick update on what we’ve been up to this week! Don’t look up — there’s too much dust in the air!

Don’t look up: One Room Challenge, Week 5
Firstly, we continued working on skim coating the walls. After some encouragement, I applied a second layer of joint compound to the walls. The oh-so-fun part of applying joint compound is the tons of sanding. It’s gets super messy and dusty! Additionally, wearing the PPE can get cumbersome. My nose get really runny under the respirator mask. Frequent breaks are necessary!
If you are attempting any job like this, you need to clean often. I had to vacuum up the excess dust after sanding and we still have dust everywhere!

Next, we tackled the ceiling. Earlier, I removed the popcorn ceiling. Admittedly, it was fun to get rid of the popcorn texture, especially with a good book or video playing. However, smoothing the ceiling out is a pain! It takes a ton of layers, patience, and finesse. Oh yeah…you have to sand the ceiling, too! Don’t look up without goggles on or it’s dust slowly falling on your eye. All that dust on all your clothes, shoes, furniture…tracking throughout the house…it’s not the worst, but it’s quite annoying.

I had to ask The Honey for help. I got desperate! He’s so much better at skimming than I am. Overall, skim coating takes a lot of patience, especially when you cannot get anything else done until you finish your current task. About that — I’m officially one week behind schedule. It was bound to happen really!
Join the One Room Challenge journey! week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4

While the joint compound was driving on the walls and ceilings, I cut the stiles for the board and batten project. I was going back and forth about it (still am really), but I needed to stay busy this weekend. It felt good to use the power tools once again!
I hope I can prime and get to installing my wallpaper this week. I never told you which wallpaper I chose! I’ll keeping that one as a surprise. 😉
P.S.: Check out the other One Room Challenge posts for week 5!
Sometimes tapping someone else in really is the best use of time! And you have such a good eye – you’ll know what’s right for your wall treatment in the end! If you love it, you can’t go wrong putting something you love in your home ❤
You are so right about that, Carly!